Kartikey Mishra
Mar 16, 2021

Coding — Just Coding?

For people other from software backgrounds, coding is just some coding, but for people thoroughly indulged in coding and development, coding refers to an art. The art of creating rules which are expected to run the world through a digital forum. I belong to the latter. For me, coding is something like art and craft, dancing, or something which can be categorized as a separate art. There may be no pre-requisite for coding, but yeah, once you indulge, there is no going back. You are engrossed into the work so much that you forget the world.

You feel a pride in acknowledging that yeah, You are a coder! You get into platforms like Hackerank. Codechef and CodingNinjas, you meet other coders, learn new tricks and boom! you love this part of your life.

Thank you!